
Next generation EV charging
Green EV charging systems
ZekiCharge is a next generation green electric vehicle (EV) charging system for fleet, residential and commercial charging. We provide comprehensive solutions, for all kinds of properties and destinations supported by intelligent cloud based operations that simplify installation and payment processing.
With electric vehicle sales increasing in Australia the ZekiCharge product suite offers a variety of charging solutions for every setting, with revenue opportunities. We can help you choose a solution for retail, car parks, body corporate, accommodation, airports, councils, residential and more.

Smart Tech
Benefits of ZekiCharge

Easy to use
ZekiCharge uses a simple scan-pay-charge process. Drivers to do not need an RFID card or to download an app to process their payment.

Fully autonomous
All essential operations for ZekiCharge are fully autonomous.

Add-on applications
ZekiCharge uses a full suite of add-on software to meet your unique charging requirements.
• Load Management
• User Management
• Access Code
• Promo Code
• Single-Use Voucher Code
• Fleet Charging
• Network Operator
• Prepaid E-Card
• Post-Billing

Our solutions can be tailor-made to fit your business or building perfectly. Whether you want free charging stations for staff or fleet, residential, and commercial.

Zero cost installation
Most models installed at no cost to you when you pay for power.