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Independent products, flexible systems

ZekiGen is a self-contained renewable energy generator with a compact footprint. Our flagship product is ideal for off-grid, remote and public urban power generation and charging.

ZekiGen works 24 hours a day, generating and storing power through an inbuilt vertical wind turbine and solar panels. Power is stored in an integrated battery, so electricity can be accessed and used continuously.

With ZekiGen, the vast open spaces used by conventional wind and solar farms are not required. It makes energy available for any location. The evolution of our flagship product has enabled us to develop a suite of products that showcase our technology as we build a sustainable future of energy production and usage.

ZekiGen can also be connected to a grid or used to create an area microgrid system for demand management services to the electrical utilities, enabling the management of local solar feed into the grid for peak and off-peak demand services.


Our products are safe for people, animals and nature.


ZekiGen withstands rain, snow, frost, heat, humidity and high winds.


ZekiGen works in multi-faceted wind directions.


Designed to stand the test of time, with a robust battery system.


0dB measured within 2 metres of the ZekiGen vane.


Communities will enjoy charging with ZekiGen.

Most remote communities are currently reliant on increasingly expensive carbon emitting diesel. Facilitating a renewable future for remote communities by installing ZekiGen systems will enable clean consistent power generation that will make long term financial and environmental sense.


A superior proprietary lithium-based battery system.

ZekiBatteries offer a market-leading life cycle of 22,000 cycles and almost 100% charge and discharge properties, produced using the world’s safest lithium technology.

ZekiBatteries can be used for both commercial and domestic purposes and are available in two chemistries, LTO and LiFePO4.

LiFePO4 batteries can achieve over 4000 cycles @ 80% Depth of Discharge (DoD) at 25˚C temperatures.

Benefits of ZekiBatteries

  • Long life cycle – with warranty to match
  • High density and lightweight
  • High discharge current
  • Maintenance free
  • Fast charging
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Exceptional temp range of -20℃ to +60℃

ZekiMobile is a trailer based mobile generator that uses both wind and solar to generate power, which is then stored in its integrated battery.

Highly portable, the ZekiMobile generator is easily transported by towing with a vehicle. Ideal for remote areas and communities where they operate completely self-sufficiently.

Designed to suit event, agricultural, military, emergency services and mining site use, where diesel generators are currently being used.

A ZekiMobile generator can successfully replace diesel generators, reducing emissions and long term operational costs.

ZekiTower is likened to a futuristic light pole, is a power generation pole with an integrated ZekiTurbine (vertical wind turbine) on top, containing a ZekiBattery lithium battery storage system at its core.

Flexible in design, we have also developed a smaller footprint ZekiTower product, likened to a futuristic light pole. A power generation pole with an integrated ZekiTurbine (vertical wind turbine) on top, containing a lithium battery storage system at its core. The ZekiTower is the future of microgrids. The tower has significant storage and demand management capabilities and is able to receive and store power generated from local rooftop solar, enabling it to serve as infrastructure for grid operators.

ZekiTowers have inbuilt frequency and voltage control and when used to support the grid, can reduce peak distribution loading and support substations with minimal footprint. Assisting grid operators to manage peak demand and solve frequency issues, by creating a microgrid that enables excess energy to be captured and traded.

ZekiTower could support grid operators by

  • Managing load and assisting in lowering of peak demand
  • Reducing peak distribution loading
  • Frequency and voltage control
  • Capturing and storing rooftop solar power

A ZekiTower can connect with localised solar generators or ZekiGen systems to create a micro-grid to support a remote community. Cost-effective, clean, continuous electricity.


Empowering electric vehicle roadside assistance with ZekiPower. A portable, modular generator system and electric vehicle charging system.

Drive the change with a portable rapid charging modular system. Our Australian designed and portable ZekiPower unit is the ultimate solution for rapid field deployment and replacing outdated fossil fuel generators.

With its progressive technology, it serves as a rapid charging renewable energy-powered generator and mobile electric vehicle charging station.

The future of electricity entirely from sustainable sources is ZekiTek.

ZekiTek© 2022